Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Welcome to MacLand

Usually, MacLand references the state of being one's mind would reach after attending a Bulls game in which they scored more than 100 pts and getting free Big Macs. I've always said that there's no better feeling in the world than rolling thru a McDonald's drive thru, ordering 4 delicious Big Mac sandwiches, and then "paying" with 4 prize stubs from the United Center.

But the Bulls are sadly sitting on the sidelines this playoff season and "MacLand" describes the white-plastic, no-right-click world I have entered today as the hip and proud owner of a brand new MacBook.

Yes, with this big trip on the horizon and a growing realization that I'll be spending more and more time away from my humble Dell G5 it seemed like the perfect time to take advantage of the student discount offered a the Trojan bookstore and join the ranks of students who claim to be taking notes in class but are really watching this on You Tube.

The added bonus of me typing away on this clean, white keyboard (and there had better be a bonus, b/c I am struggling right now to use this stupid apple command key) is that I will be offering DAILY BLOGGING from NY and Cannes!!!

Daily blogging is not to be confused with Daley blogging, which would be this.

But everyday that I am overseas I will try like crazy to float some info about what's going down across the Atlantic. Even if its just what I had for breakfast. (BTW: I can't wait to get me a fucking crepe. I swear its the best thing these cheese-eating surrender monkeys have ever done good on).

This Mac computer, which I am typing on right now, is pretty sweet, I'm not going to lie. I feel like I'm part of a cool new club and should get black-plastic rimmed glasses, drink lots of soy-related drinks, and start hanging out with that girl who starred with Bruce Willis in the last Die Hard movie.

That's all from MacLand for now. Apple out.

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