Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Now You're Really Gonna Hate Me...

So I'm getting to the terminal at JFK and it's boarding time and I get to the gate and hand over my ticket. The woman at the gate asks "Mr. Kosin?" and I say yes..She says "your flight has been oversold...."

Oh crap. I've been bumped off the plane.....right?

"...so we've upgraded you to first class. Is that OK?"

I quickly nodded my head "yes", and I got the hell outta there and to my seat as quickly as possible before the gods of fate ripped this away from me like a Cubs 3-0 lead in the ninth. So I flew first class. For no extra charge. To Cannes. 

I won't bore you with the luxurious amenities of sitting in seat 1F but know that in my sunday they did put the fudge on the bottom, allowing me to control my fudge distribution.

In fact, the coolest part of sitting in the not-so-cheap-seats was striking up a conversation with the baseball-hat-wearing gentleman next to me. After a bit of chatting it turns out that this particular guy is a Benet Alum, class of '99. He currently has a very nice position at a pretty good name film company and headed to Cannes. So in addition to waxing nostalgic about Mr. Schroeder and talkin' fantasy baseball, our dialogue drifted into film territory from time to time.

All I can say is that it is a good sign when you make your first contact before the wheels hit the tarmac. 

Upon my arrival in the Nice airport (which was, coincidentally, a nice airport) I was happy to find I do get some phone service out here. Rates for talking are pretty lofty though, but texting rates stay the same. So no doubt I will be txting lk a mthrfckr.

Anyway, things are awesome. Got to chill a bit yesterday and meet my fellow Cannes-enites. Today we got a tour of the area and got accreditation for the festival. It's just an awesome place and final preparations are being made for when the festival opens tomorrow. For now I'm kicking back a bit after a ton of walking and getting ready for tomorrow.

I've heard the first days of the Cannes festival described as 'being in a madhouse', 'getting hit with a tsunami', or 'crazier than the World Cup and Superbowl combined.'

Yeah, I don't know about that. I think in addition to the Palm d'Or maybe a few awards for "Most Hyperbole" should be given out this week on those comments, but then again I have yet to experience it, so we'll see. Tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey - where are my daily celebrity updates from Cannes??? Either the Mac ran out of juice (did you forget an adpater????) or you're having way too much fun! Hope it's the latter!