Wednesday, January 14, 2009

City Held Frostage

That's the current headline tonight on

I've been pretty busy since getting back and have a bunch of new stuff to write about but I just had to comment on this brutal cold that is turning Chicago from the Gotham in Dark Knight to the Gotham in Batman and Robin.

(by the way, for more laughs at the expense of B & R, check out this clip. Uggh, just terrible.)

I love that a sub-story of the cold temps in the Trib is "Why Do You Live Here?". It looks like a headline you'd see in The Onion.

Anyway, if I didn't have to be here I wish I could be back in Chicago to tough out this brutal, ugly weather with the rest of my fellow citizens. Hang tough, stay warm, and if you should happen to find yourself froze or trapped inside for the day, please, for the love of God, DON'T resort to watching "Batman and Robin".

To quote Heath Ledger's Joker "And I thought my jokes were bad..."

[I'll be laying a larger-sized new post on ya'll soon.]

1 comment:

Markese said...

Its currently -6 outside my door, that's -12 with the windchill. I have no desire to go to work...